Smart BMI Calculator: Your Ultimate Tool for Achieving Your Ideal Body Weight – Lose Weight Tips

Smart BMI Calculator

Body Mass Index for adults from the age of 18

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Calculate your BMI (Body Mass Index)

Calculate normal weight - Body Mass Index It is not always easy to estimate your body weight correctly. The Body Mass Index (abbr. BMI) can help you estimate your weight in relation to your height. The BMI only gives you a rough estimation of your physical situation. It doesn't consider your stature or body fat distribution. Specialists consider too much belly fat to be a health risk. Fat deposits on the buttocks and thighs are not as much of a problem.

My BMI calculator uses the Smart BMI method. This means that it takes into account not only your height and weight, but also your gender and age.

The BMI calculator is suitable for adults and young people aged 14 and over. However, the calculated values ​​for adolescents are evaluated differently than the values ​​for adults because the height-to-weight ratio constantly changes as they grow up.

Normal weight – BMI and Broca formula in comparison

The following table shows the problem of weight estimation using Broca's formula and BMI.

For very small and very tall people, Broca's formula quickly reaches its limits. For a height of 1 meter or less, no reasonable value for normal weight can be given; for a height of 6′3″ (≈ 1,90m) or more, normal weight borders on overweight.

Because of the problems with Broca's formula in estimating normal weight, it has been increasingly replaced in recent years by the Body Mass Index.


Normal Weight

according to
Broca's formula
according to
Body Mass Index
1,00 m 0,0 kg 18,5 kg – 25,0 kg
1,05 m 5,0 kg 20,4 kg – 27,6 kg
1,10 m 10,0 kg 22,4 kg – 30,2 kg
1,15 m 15,0 kg 24,5 kg – 33,0 kg
1,20 m 20,0 kg 26,6 kg – 36,0 kg
1,25 m 25,0 kg 28,9 kg – 39,0 kg
1,30 m 30,0 kg 31,3 kg – 42,2 kg
1,35 m 35,0 kg 33,7 kg – 45,5 kg
1,40 m 40,0 kg 36,3 kg – 49,0 kg
1,45 m 45,0 kg 38,9 kg – 52,5 kg
1,50 m 50,0 kg 41,6 kg – 56,2 kg
1,55 m 55,0 kg 44,4 kg – 60,0 kg
1,60 m 60,0 kg 47,4 kg – 64,0 kg
1,65 m 65,0 kg 50,4 kg – 68,0 kg
1,70 m 70,0 kg 53,5 kg – 72,2 kg
1,75 m 75,0 kg 56,7 kg – 76,5 kg
1,80 m 80,0 kg 59,9 kg – 81,0 kg
1,85 m 85,0 kg 63,3 kg – 85,5 kg
1,90 m 90,0 kg 66,8 kg – 90,2 kg
1,95 m 95,0 kg 70,3 kg – 95,0 kg
2,00 m 100,0 kg 74,0 kg – 100,0 kg